It’s never been harder to be a good parent.

Let me help you help your children live their best lives. Today’s challenges require new paradigms in parenting.

Old-school techniques are no longer enough.

Old-school methods that focus on behavior modification can create children who believe they are good or bad according to whether or not they comply — that they are loved and accepted more when they perform better. This sort of parenting often produces kids who are people-pleasers, who unhealthily dismiss their own needs. This can lead to serious problems in their adult years. 

What’s going on inside?

We focus on what’s going on inside. We show our children that they matter to us whether they are complying or not. We allow space for the relationship to grow between us. We teach them self-regulation in the face of triggering situations — to develop coping skills to regulate their own bodies and emotions. 

No punishments, no threats, no time-outs, no yelling.

More connection, more peace. Create positive, sustained behavior change. Gain greater empathy and understanding with new techniques in communication, connection, reflective listening, validation, sturdy leadership and emotional safety.